Tyler - 952-412-4367
Tyler - 952-412-4367
Handyman services
Staging - Aluminum, Wood
Marley Dance Floor - 48ft
Latest in Audio & Visual Technology
Accredited Travel Agent
IATA Certified
We Offer Multiple Awards
Many more things from our wholesaler JDS Industries
Providing: Stage setup & rental services, Marley floor rental, Audio & Lighting services, Production needs for Recitals and Events.
We also specialize in Awards!
ask for Tyler at Turn That
Based out of the Twin Cities, we provide quality products at competitive prices.
Consider us for your next Dance Recital or Event!
Accommodating large and small orders for trophy, plaque, and relatable materials. We also specialize in complete design and assembly for your company's specific needs.
Are you local? Need Handyman Services just ask Tyler at Turn That!